What are the main components of an atomic design system?


10 min read

In the world of web development, designing and building a website that stands out is a never-ending challenge. From choosing color schemes to selecting fonts, there are so many elements a designer must consider.

As a result, it can be easy to get lost in the noise and produce something inconsistent or lacking overall coherence. This is where an atomic design system comes into play.

Explanation of Atomic Design System

Simply put, an atomic design system is a structured approach to designing websites that breaks down each component into smaller parts. These smaller parts are called atoms, molecules, organisms, templates and pages.

Each layer builds upon the previous one to create a comprehensive system that ensures consistency in design across all pages on your website. The “atom” level represents the smallest individual components such as buttons or icons. When combined together these atoms form “molecules,” which represent larger groups of UI elements such as forms or cards.

Organisms take this concept further by combining multiple molecules together such as headers and footers to create functional parts of a web page. Templates represent specific page layouts with placeholders for specific content such as blogs or product pages while pages refer to fully designed web pages with custom content.

The Importance of Atomic Design System

An atomic design system is essential for creating consistent designs across your entire website while also making it easier for designers to implement changes quickly over time without breaking other sections. By implementing an atomic design system from scratch instead of simply copying pre-made templates you will have full control over every aspect including color schemes and typefaces allowing you to create truly unique experiences for users all while ensuring consistency across your site's various pages.

Additionally, using this structured approach can save countless hours in development time by reducing redundancy across multiple pages and ensuring that changes made to one component propagate through all other pages. When done correctly, an atomic design system can make web development more efficient, cost-effective and ensure a polished end-product that users will love.


Definition of Atoms

When it comes to atomic design, atoms are the building blocks that make up everything else in the design system. They are small, reusable UI elements that can be combined to create more complex components. Think of them as Lego blocks that can be put together in different ways to create a variety of designs.

Examples of Atoms

There are many different types of atoms out there, but some common examples include buttons, icons, and inputs. Buttons may seem like a simple element, but they play a crucial role in guiding users through your website or application.

Icons provide visual cues and help users quickly identify important information or actions. Inputs allow users to input data into forms or search bars.

Buttons - Buttons may seem simple on the surface, but they serve a critical role in guiding users through your website or application. A well-designed button can draw attention and encourage action. A poorly designed button can make it difficult for users to complete tasks and lead to frustration.

When designing buttons as part of an atomic design system, it's important to consider things like size, shape, color, and text placement. These factors can impact how noticeable and accessible your buttons are.

Icons - Icons provide visual cues that help users quickly identify important information or actions on your website or application. They can represent anything from social media platforms to file types.

When designing icons as part of an atomic design system, it's important to consider things like consistency and clarity of meaning. If your icons aren't immediately recognizable or consistent with other icons in the same category, they may cause confusion for users.

Inputs - Inputs allow users to input data into forms or search bars on your website or application. They come in many different varieties ranging from basic text fields to complex dropdown menus.

When designing inputs as part of an atomic design system, it's important to consider things like usability and accessibility. Are your inputs easy to use and understand for all users, including those with disabilities?

Do they follow consistent design patterns throughout your site or application? These are important questions to consider when designing atomic level inputs.


Molecules are the second level of the atomic design system. They are made up of two or more atoms and are a group of elements that work together to create a single, reusable component. Molecules help provide structure to web pages, and when used effectively, they can help speed up development time while creating a consistent design system.

Definition of Molecules

Molecules are combinations of atoms that come together to form a reusable component. These components can be simple or complex and can be used throughout a website or application. Each molecule follows the same set of rules, allowing designers and developers to create consistency throughout their project.

Examples of Molecules

Some examples of molecules include forms, navigation bars, and cards.

Forms - Forms are an essential part of any website or application that requires user input. Forms allow users to interact with your website by providing information such as their name, email address, or other identifying information. Forms may seem like simple components at first glance but creating them from scratch can take a significant amount of time if you're not using an atomic design system.

Navigation Bars - Navigation bars are crucial for providing users with easy access to different parts of your website or application. A well-designed navigation bar will allow users to find what they're looking for quickly without having to click around aimlessly.

Cards - Cards provide designers with an efficient way to display content on their web pages in small sections. Cards can contain anything from product listings and images to blog posts and social media links.

Using cards as part of your atomic design system allows you to make updates quickly while maintaining overall consistency in your web design. Molecules play an important role in creating a cohesive atomic design system that not only speeds up development time but also creates consistent design patterns throughout a website or application.

Forms, navigation bars, and cards are just a few examples of the many molecules you can use to build your atomic design system. By incorporating these components into your system, you'll be well on your way to creating an efficient, effective web design that is both visually appealing and user-friendly.


Organisms are groups of atoms and molecules working together to form a distinct section or feature of a website or application. They are more complex than individual atoms and molecules, but less so than templates or pages.

Think of organisms as the building blocks for creating larger, more complex designs. They often include reusable components that can be used across different areas of a site or app.

Examples of Organisms:

Some examples of organisms include headers, footers, and product lists. Headers are an essential part of any website or application as they provide users with key navigation options and branding information.

The header should be simple yet elegant, easy to use yet visually appealing, with no unnecessary elements cluttering up the space. The footer is another crucial element in many websites because it provides users with additional links and information about the site's structure and purpose.

Users expect footers to contain contact information such as phone numbers or email addresses, links to relevant social media accounts, copyright information and more. Product lists can be anything from a simple list view to a grid view with thumbnails that display product images along with descriptions and pricing details.

A well-designed product list helps users make informed purchasing decisions by providing them with all the relevant details about each item. Just like Atoms and Molecules components, Organisms play an important role in Atomic Design Systems by providing us with reusable chunks that we can combine together into larger structures such as templates and pages without having to reinvent the wheel every time we create something new.


When it comes to designing websites, templates play a crucial role in creating consistent and well-structured pages. A template is a pre-designed layout that contains placeholders for specific content elements which can be easily customized according to the needs of the website.

Definition of Templates

A template is a pre-designed layout that serves as a foundation for building out web pages. It includes placeholders for specific content elements such as text, images, and multimedia that can be easily customized by web designers and developers. Templates are an essential part of an atomic design system because they help maintain consistency across multiple pages while allowing for flexibility in design.

Examples of Templates

Here are some examples of commonly used templates:

Homepage - The homepage is often the most important page on a website since it's the first impression users have when they visit. A well-designed homepage template can attract users and encourage them to explore more.

Product Page - Product pages provide detailed information about specific products or services offered by a website. Using a product page template ensures that each product is presented consistently and effectively.

Checkout Page - The checkout page is where customers complete their purchase transactions. Using a carefully crafted checkout page template can help ensure smooth transactions and improved user experience.

To conclude, templates are an essential component of an atomic design system as they provide consistency and structure to web pages while allowing for customization through placeholder content elements. By using templates, designers can save time while ensuring high-quality design output.

Pages When it comes to atomic design systems, pages are the final layer of the design hierarchy. Pages are where all the other components come together, and users can interact with them in meaningful ways.

Pages can be thought of as containers for all the other components on your website or app. Definition of Pages

A page is a unique instance where a template is filled with specific content and data. It's where all the elements we've discussed so far come together to form a cohesive whole that delivers your message and meets your user's needs.

Examples of Pages Let's take a look at three common pages: homepage, about us page, and contact us page.

Homepage Your homepage is often the first thing users see when they visit your website or app.

It should provide an overview of what you offer and help visitors find what they're looking for quickly. The goal here is to create an engaging experience that encourages users to explore more deeply into your site or app.

So don't overload it with too much content or cluttered visuals. About Us Page

Your about us page should provide more information about who you are as a company and why you do what you do. This page should tell your brand's story in an authentic way that resonates with your target audience.

It's also a great place to showcase any awards or recognition you've received, customer testimonials, or any other information that sets you apart from competitors. Contact Us Page

Your contact us page should make it easy for visitors to get in touch with you if they have questions or concerns. This might include providing phone numbers, email addresses, social media links, chatbots etc.

It's important to make this process as seamless as possible because if someone has trouble contacting you , it will only add frustration which could lead them towards turning away from using your services altogether . Overall, pages may seem like just another layer of atomic design system but it's the most important as it's the final layer where all other components come together to form a complete user interface.


Summary on the Main Components:

An atomic design system is a well-structured and highly efficient way of designing interfaces. It is composed of several components ranging from atoms to pages. Atoms are the basic building blocks, and molecules are formed from the combination of atoms.

Organisms, templates, and pages then form more complex structures that enhance user experience. Each component serves a unique purpose in the design process, and they work together to create a coherent user interface.

Importance and Benefits:

The importance of an atomic design system cannot be overstated. It provides consistency in design, simplifies collaboration among designers, simplifies development processes for programmers and ensures brand identity is preserved across different platforms.

Additionally, it saves time by avoiding repetitive tasks as developers can reuse existing components instead of implementing new ones every time there is a need. The benefits are enormous!

With an atomic design approach in place, designers can easily create modular designs that fit seamlessly into various screen sizes without worrying about inconsistencies or misalignments. As web technology continues to evolve rapidly with new devices emerging every day - Atomic Design makes it easy for designers to adapt quickly while maintaining quality standards.